March 2, 2023
If you want to be successful in promoting your YouTube videos, you are going to need subscribers.But exactly how do you go about getting YouTube subscribers so you can increase your subscriber count, especially if your video is new?Well, you will first have to learn how to get subscribers on YouTube, including the steps you need to take, as well as what not to do if you want your YouTube video subscriber rankings to soar.OK – great! So how do you do that?That’s a great question and we know exactly how you feel, we’ve been there. That’s why we are going to show you what we discovered and how we implemented what we discovered while learning how to get subscribers on YouTube ourselves. Then we will give you tips for some of the most common mistakes you will want to avoid, if you want your YouTube subscriber count to go up.So get ready to learn 24 hot tips and tricks for how to get YouTube subscribers…NOW!
1. Develop a Plan—Or Plan to Fail!
2. When Building YouTube Subscribers Time Is of The Essence
3. What Should I Do First?
4. Optimize Trailers, Thumbnails, and Closed Captions
5. Create Engaging Content
6. Develop a Content Schedule
7. Recreate The Raw File Name
8. Build Links to Your YouTube Channel
9. 14 Ways to Jumpstart Your Subscriber Count
10. How to Increase the Watch Time of Your YouTube Videos
11. The Most Common Mistakes You Will Want to Avoid
12. Summary
13. Conclusion
Develop a Plan—Or Plan to Fail!
“Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.” Benjamin Franklin
Before you begin, you must think the entire process through and develop a plan of action, or a blueprint so to speak. You will need a step-by-step process of exactly what needs to be done so you have something to follow and so you don’t accidentally miss anything or unknowingly leave something out. This step is extremely important even if you know what you’re doing. And even more important if you are new at this and still learning everything that needs to be done.If you don’t, it will be like taking a road trip without knowing where you are going. Your first thought might be to search the internet for some hacks and shortcuts. However, that’s not the way to approach this process.You can search the internet and find thousands of pages that promise to teach you hacks and shortcuts for building a YouTube subscriber base. But don’t fall for that. Just like anything else, there’s no free ride, if you want to do things right. In fact, some of those promised hacks and shortcuts could possibly do your channel harm, get you penalized – or worse – banned!So just don’t do it.Getting YouTube video subscribers is not an “if you build it, they will come” proposition. If you build it – they might come, but if they do, they will probably just trickle in and that’s not what you want when trying to build your YouTube subscriber count. Here’s why…
When Building YouTube Subscribers Time Is of The Essence
Why should I be so concerned about getting subscribers to my YouTube Channel quickly?Because in January of 2018, YouTube announced that your YouTube Channel would need at least 4,000 watch hours over the last 12 months and 1,000 subscribers before they would review it for the YouTube Partner Program which allows you to monetize.And…If your subscribership drops below YouTube’s required threshold, you might be dropped…you might not. It’s all up to the sole discretion of YouTube. This concerns a lot of creators.

What Should I Do First?
Before you begin, take a look at all the videos currently on your channel and delete any old videos that no longer relate or don’t properly represent your brand in today’s marketplace. You should also delete any videos that don’t look professional, have poor picture quality, or anything else that doesn’t come across as professional and top-notch. Once you’ve cleaned up your YouTube channel, you can then begin working on your new trailers, thumbnails, and video content, etc.
Optimize Trailers, Thumbnails, and Closed Captions
Are trailers, custom thumbnails, and closed captions really necessary?Yes, Yes, and YES!If you want to attract real time YouTube subscribers, you will need to do everything you can to attract and engage them; otherwise, you will lose them. Guaranteed!
Trailers should only be 30-60 seconds long. Design your trailer to suit your audience using humor (if appropriate), satire, or a play on words. Use anything that will grab the viewer’s attention and make it so engaging your viewers are eager to watch it then share it.A good example is FoodTube Channel trailer
Consider designing and customizing your thumbnails. Don’t grab any random thumbnail option YouTube provides just because it’s convenient and you think it doesn’t matter—it does—it matters A LOT!

Closed Captions
Closed captions are used for more than those who are deaf or hard of hearing. They can also be used for those who want to watch videos at work or in other places where having the volume on or wearing earbuds, etc. isn’t an option.

Another huge benefit of using closed captions on your videos is for SEO purposes.Did you know captions are crawlable by the search engines?Yep!Using captions will boost your SEO. However, for best results, consider making your own captions rather than using YouTube’s automatic captioning feature. Doing so will help make sure the information is accurate and properly portrayed.
Create Engaging Content
When was the last time you read some truly engaging content?Do you remember it? Did you share it? Chances are you did. Engaging content is powerful – very powerful!The fact of the matter is…you have less than 10 seconds to grab your viewers attention or they will click away to another piece that does grab their attention.So how do you make your content memorable?

Here are eight great tactics for making your content memorable:
- Humor (when appropriate)
- Satire
- A play on words
- Use contrast
- Make it surprising (bombshell info, unoriginal advice, etc.)
- Use images and interactive elements
- Use descriptive language that engages the senses (paints a mental picture)
- Use contagious catchphrases
HOT TIP: Always include a memorable ending and a question at the end of your videos so they leave the reader with something to think about. This tactic also encourages comments as well, which we will talk about in a minute.
Develop a Content Schedule
Creating content can be time-consuming; however, it’s extremely important to develop a content schedule and consistently stick with it. You might find it easier to take one topic and come up with a bunch of related topics. This way you can talk about the topic, then each week talk about the various components of that topic. Doing so will make developing your content quicker, easier, and will require much less research time. And, it will give you weeks, if not months, worth of content that all came from one research session.

The most commonly recommended frequency is one piece of content per week. However, this will all depend on your audience. You might have to test this or ask your subscribers how often they would like to hear from you.The next two sections will explore some of the technical SEO aspects of building your YouTube subscriber count.
Recreate The Raw File Name
Did you know that changing the raw file name of your YouTube video will boost your SEO?Yep!Changing the raw file name of your content is something not many people do, but should. Rename your video using your main keyword if possible. To do this you just go to your YouTube video’s Info and Settings page and rename it from there. This will help tell YouTube what your video is about. If you don’t, your raw file name will just look like a set of numbers and will have absolutely no SEO benefit at all.

For an easy way to find the best possible keyword for your file name, tubics has a great SEO Keyword Tool that will make finding the perfect keyword a snap.
Build Links to Your YouTube Channel
Do you build links to your YouTube video?Great!But…You should also be building links to your YouTube channel as well.If you want the best possible SEO results, you should be building links to your individual video’s and your YouTube channel as well. Why? Because the inbound channel links will indicate to YouTube that you are an authority in your industry and this is great for SEO and your YouTube subscriber rankings.
14 Ways to Jumpstart Your Subscriber Count
Once you have your shiny new video created and ready to go, you will need to do everything in your power to raise your YouTube subscriber count as quickly as possible because, as we mentioned above, in January of 2018, YouTube announced that your YouTube Channel would need at least 4,000 watch hours over the last 12 months and 1,000 subscribers before they would review it for the YouTube Partner Program which allows you to monetize.So, with that being said, here are 14 quick and easy ways to jumpstart your live subscriber count.
1. Use The Old WIIFM Method
WIIFM stands for “what’s in it for me” and simply means that most people will expect to get something in return for subscribing to your channel, liking your video, commenting, following you on Instagram, or sharing your video with their friends.

So…give them what they want!You can do this by
- having a contest,
- offering a high-value giveaway,
- or sponsoring some type of video challenge, which is a great way to get your video to go viral if the challenge is exciting enough.
2. Promote Your Videos and Channel on Other Online Communities
Do you promote your videos and YouTube channel on other online communities?If so, how many?Promoting your videos and channel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is great. But could you be doing more? Probably.

Why not expand your reach by finding relevant Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, Reddit, Twitter chats, Quora, and any other related forums, Q&A websites, etc. you can find. Just be mindful of each of the website and forum rules about inserting your links so you aren’t banned. The best way to go about using this method is to become a valuable, contributing member of any given community so that it’s obvious you are not just there for promotional purposes.
3. Collaborate with Other YouTube Video Creators
Do you share your content with other YouTube video creators?Chances are, other YouTube video creators would benefit from your content and your audience would benefit from theirs. Sharing your content with other YouTube creators is a great way to broaden your reach and increase your subscriber count. And, using this technique will save you loads of time, not to mention making it much easier to get YouTube subscribers as well.Why?Because those subscribers already come with the ever-coveted trust factor as they are already a part of the loyal audience of the other YouTuber. They already like his/her content and are already his/her subscribers; therefore, they trust him/her, which means they will generally trust you as well because he/she trusts you and your content enough to share it with them.To do this, you simply reach out to other YouTube channel creators who have an audience that is similar in size and related to your industry but not in direct competition with yours. Then show them what you have to offer and ask them if they are interested in collaborating with you. If they say no—no worries! It’s their loss. Move on to the next potential partner and try again. Try as many times as it takes until you have some YouTubers who want to do whatever it takes to make their videos and channel as successful as you do.
4. Interact with Your Subscribers
Most people want to feel as if they are a part of something. So when they subscribe to your YouTube channel or comment on your video, etc. you should always make sure they feel appreciated. You can do this by engaging with your subscribers and interacting with them in as many ways as you can. Ask them questions or about their viewpoint, answer their questions, give them advice, recommendations, how-to info, etc. and not just general information, but information directed specifically to them by name and their particular specifics.

5. Create Playlists
Do you have playlists for your YouTube channel?Creating playlists is a great way to encourage subscribers and boost the watch time of your videos. You can do this by grouping your related videos together in a playlist. This technique provides a higher perceived value because you are giving people more than what they were expecting which was one video. Now you are giving them an entire playlist. This also makes you look like an authority in the industry, which, in turn, builds trust.

You can make different playlists by grouping them into like scenarios such as new viewers (give them a group of numbered videos so they can watch them in order), educational (step-by-step how-to videos), or on-topic videos (a collection of topic related videos).
6. Send an Email to Your Current Email List
Do you have an email list?Email is one of the most effective forms of marketing. So go ahead and send your new video, YouTube channel, or playlist to your current email list. This will get your video in front of a lot of people in a short amount of time, which, in turn, will increase your number of views, likes, comments, and shares as well. All of which will boost your SEO.

7. Ask for Subscribers
What do you put at the end of your videos?At the end of your videos, you should always ask your viewers to like, comment, share, and subscribe to your channel. Always tell your viewers exactly what it is you want them to do; otherwise, it might not occur to them to do so. Because, generally, their mind will still be thinking about what they just learned in your video.

8. Add a Transcript to Every Video
Why should I add a transcript to every video?Because video transcripts make your video easier to absorb, can act as page copy, some people prefer reading, and a well-written video transcript will help clarify what your video is about. In addition, make sure you include your most valuable keywords in the transcript as this will help with your SEO.

9. Always End Your Video With a Question
Here’s why…By ending your video with a question, it will encourage commenting, which is good for engagement and will help build your video’s authority and SEO. And, it will help get the conversation started, as well as open up a line of communication between you and your other viewers. This helps with making people feel as if they are a part of something…like they belong. Just don’t forget to engage with them; otherwise, this tactic could have the opposite effect.
10. Always Include Call to Action End Screens
Do you put a call to action AND call to action end screens on your videos?You should always put a call to action via YouTube’s cards feature in your videos and include call to action end screens on them as well. You should also put your call to action in the description. Ask your viewers to comment, like, share, and subscribe. If you don’t’ ask, they probably won’t do it.

11. Using a YouTube SEO Tool to Increase Viewership
Are you using a YouTube SEO tool to help boost your viewership?If not, you should be. Tools such as the ones offered by Tubics are perfect for quickly and effectively increasing your viewership. Tubics is the #1 YouTube SEO Tool for getting more traffic, by providing you with a free YouTube channel audit, a YouTube SEO analysis, an SEO action plan, unlimited keyword suggestions, keyword rankings over time, professional thumbnails, and so much more.If you’re not using a YouTube video tool…you’re leaving money on the table!
12. Optimize Your Titles
Create searchable titles by including the keywords (if possible) or other relevant terms, along with some intrigue, mystery, or anything else that could peak a person’s curiosity enough to get them to click on your video.

13. Optimize Your Videos with Searchable Descriptions
Always optimize your video descriptions with your main and related keywords, but be careful not to overdo it. In addition, you should also link your videos to a squeeze page, include your website address, and start your description with your main keyword(s) but do it naturally.

14. Strategically Use Meta Tags (without overdoing it)
Using keyword meta tags is another way to make your video searchable. To help get you started, you can look through other popular related YouTube videos to see which meta tags they are using. You can also use a YouTube tag generator to help find the proper meta tags as well. This is a much quicker and easier way of finding meta tags than performing all the research manually.

How to Increase the Watch Time of Your YouTube Videos
Did you know the watch time of your videos could affect your YouTube subscriber ranking?Yep!The longer viewers watch your videos indicates to YouTube how popular and helpful your videos are which will boost your SEO.There are several ways to increase your video watch times.
- Review your watch time reports to see how your videos are performing.
- Review your audience retention reports.
- Use engagement reports to measure the overall performance of your videos.
- Use suspense throughout your video to get viewers to watch until the end.
- Ask a question and include the answer at the end of your video.
- Create keyword-rich playlists for your viewers.
- Be a guest speaker on another video for a related but non-competing YouTube channel.
- Use engaging content by finding fun ways to keep your viewers watching, such as having them search for hidden clues, treasure hunt style, or a Where’s Waldo technique throughout the video with a participatory prize at the end. This is also a great way to get their email address because you will have to get their email address in order to send them their prize.
If you are learning how to get YouTube subscribers, one of the most beneficial things you can do is to monitor your video watch times. The quickest and easiest way to do that is to use the tubics YouTube SEO Software because it can help when analyzing your YouTube performance.
The Most Common Mistakes You Will Want to Avoid
Here are some of the most common mistakes you will want to avoid.
- Skip the hacks and shortcuts or it could cost you.
- Keep your videos under five minutes (in most cases, but not all).
- Not optimizing your titles and descriptions.
- Using unprofessional looking videos.
- Not using a title that grabs the viewer’s attention.
- Not using a call to action or not using it effectively.
- Not watching your video before rolling it out, AND, asking yourself if it was good enough to make YOU want to subscribe.
Here is a quick summary of this how to get subscribers on YouTube text.
- Develop a Plan—Or Plan to Fail!
- When Building YouTube Subscribers Time Is of The Essence.
- What Should I Do First?
- Trailers, Thumbnails, and Closed Captions.
- Create Engaging Content.
- How to Make Your Content Memorable.
- Develop a Content Schedule.
- Recreate The Raw File Name.
- Build Links to Your YouTube Channel.
- 14 Ways to Jumpstart Your Subscriber Count.
- How to Increase the Watch Time of Your YouTube Videos.
- The Most Common Mistakes You Will Want to Avoid.
Learning how to get YouTube subscribers is the best way to quickly and effectively boost your subscriber count.Remember…there’s no such thing as “if you build it, they will come.”They won’t!If you want your YouTube channel to be successful and gain lots of subscribers, then you have to educate yourself in the various ways to do that. By implementing everything we have talked about in this text, you will be well on your way to increasing your YouTube subscriber count in no time flat!GUARANTEED!How much time are you willing to spend on making your YouTube videos and YouTube channel a success?Any time spent learning how to get subscribers on YouTube is always better than no time spent. So don’t let procrastination or lack of education be the one thing that could skyrocket your subscriber count beyond your wildest expectations! Take the time to learn everything you need to know about the process or hire someone to do it or you. Either way…do something!Be a doer, not a dreamer!
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