How to Title YouTube Videos

Your title is (by far) your video’s most important piece of metadata. That’s why, when it comes to video SEO, including your keyword in your video title is an absolute must. Also, make sure not to change the keyword. It’s best to use the exact, word-for-word term.

How to Title YouTube Videos


YouTube video titles are very important. Nevertheless, it’s not easy to find the perfect one for a video.If you have a great title, it will grab the attention of the audience and you will get a lot of views. On the other hand,  if you have a poor title or just a mediocre one, you won’t get any views at all because there are more interesting videos out there. Therefore, the title is one of the key elements to get attention on YouTube.

3 Simple Grammar Tricks For a Good Video Title

Today, I want to tell you how to write titles that work. But before we jump into the three grammar trick that you can use to create a good title, a little disclaimer is necessary. These tips can work for different types of videos, but generally, they are targeted more towards tutorials and educational videos.

Trick 1: “Without”

The first type of titles are these titles with the word “without“. The formula is simple:

Do this “without” a typical hurdle

When we create those titles, we promise the viewer to achieve something without a typical hurdle for these specific things he/she wants to achieve. This works because it gets our attention to a solution to a problem.

Important notes:

  • firstly write the “do this” part with your keyword (check out our video on keyword search here) inside and then the second part “without” something;
  • always write your video titles before you shoot the video

Trick 2: “Although”

The second type of titles are these titles with the word “although“. These titles work similarly to  “without” but are a little bit different in nature. The formula is the following:

Achieve a big thing “although” a specific barrier

While “without” targets more of a hurdle,  the word “although” means an objection. We can put an objection that we might have after the big achievement.

For those titles with “although” the same rules apply that apply to the titles with “without”. We write the first part with a keyword then write the second part.

Trick 3: “To”

The last title construction option is the word “to” and these titles work like this:

X ways TO get a specific result

These are the typical how-to titles but they work really well if you combine them with a number. It works because of multiple reasons: first of all, the word “to” forces us to put the main benefit of the video in the title (that a viewer is looking for). Secondly,  if we put a number in front, it tells a viewer more about the video before he clicks on it, therefore, making the video more appealing.

For those titles with “to” the same rules apply that apply to the titles with “without“. We write the first part with a keyword then write the second part. Also, it is advisable to come up with a title before you shoot a video.Undoubtedly, if you have a great title, it will grab the attention of the audience and you will get a lot of views. In this article I described 3 simple grammar tricks that can help you to make an excellent video title:

5 Tips on How to Title YouTube Videos

  1. Keep your titles within 70 characters (including spaces)
  2. Mention the search term you’d like to rank for naturally in the video title.
  3. Promise value to the user with the title
  4. Sparkle interest by using words like WithoutAlthough and To
  5. Do A/B tests

See you soon with even more amazing content!

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