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YouTube Channel Statistics The Emirates FA Cup Visit The Emirates FA Cup on YouTube

Engagement Score

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Position in the industry:
Sports Competitions




View Count


Video Count

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YouTube Statistics for Sports Competitions

The Emirates FA Cup YouTube channel avatar Average statistics for the The Emirates FA Cup YouTube channel Industry Average Best in class
Upload Frequency
28 per month

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Video Length
7 min.
16 min.

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Subscriber Growth
+0.37 %
+1.63 %
+1.67 %

Content Territory

A list of keywords & their search volume that your competitors rank well for, but you currently do not.

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The Emirates FA Cup channel has a wealth of coverage on the most iconic football competition in Britain. The Emirates FA Cup sees 736 teams compete to become one of England's most prestigious titles, ...

Monthly Subscribers Growth for The Emirates FA Cup

Graph showing Monthly Subscribers Growth for The Emirates FA Cup

Cumulative Organic Views for The Emirates FA Cup

Graph showing Cumulative Organic Views for The Emirates FA Cup