1 Miller Industries Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 28K
+0.36 %
Channel Description
Manufacturer and world leader in towing and recovery equipment with brands Century, Vulcan, Chevron, and Holmes. Products range from light, medium, and heavy duty tow trucks and wreckers, car carriers, flatbeds and rotators. NYSE: MLR
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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2 Thermo King Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 15K
+0.66 %
Channel Description
We move the industry forward. As the inventor of the transport refrigeration unit, we’ve been making it our mission for over 80 years to provide sustainable temperature-controlled transport solutions. Thermo King products and people deliver peace of mind to our customers by ensuring passengers and temperature-sensitive goods make it to their destinations safely and efficiently.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory transport refrigeration units
sustainable temperature control
electrical architecture
maintenance reminders
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3 STRONGA Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 14K
+0.7 %
United Kingdom
Channel Description
Stronga build premium level renewable energy and agricultural equipment that has strength, working life and residual values over and above that of any other equipment available in the market today.
Stronga is a family owned business whose name is synonymous with quality and innovation in the design of renewable energy, materials transport and handling equipment. We have close ties and share the values of our customers many of whom are also family businesses.
We have the experience to deliver high quality products and comprehensive business solutions for our customers that improve efficiency thus reducing their costs and environmental impact. The result of this approach is the delivery of cost effective, customer focused transport and handling solutions that take the best of modern design technology blended with engineering excellence at a price that offers best value.
Stronga respects others and shares opportunities for development valuing individual and team performance.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory agricultural equipment
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4 Colorado Trailers Inc. Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 13K
+0.79 %
Channel Description
Colorado Trailers Inc. is home to the Colorado Off Road Cargo Trailer and the Colorado Cargo Trailer! We specialize in multi use trailers that give you a true off road experience! Shipping options available. Give us a call - we would like to earn your business 303-688-8485. View our inventory at www.coloradotrailersinc.com
Channel Keywords
off road trailers for sale
Content Territory adventure travel # off grid living # camping trailers # hiking trailers
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5 SCHWING-Stetter Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 13K
+0.8 %
Channel Description
For decades, the batching plants, truck-mixers and concrete pumps of SCHWING-Stetter have been supporting the realization of houses, buildings, infrastructure and exceptional construction projects worldwide. On the way impressive photos and exciting videos were created.
Content Territory No keywords found
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6 Dhollandia NV Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 11K
+0.9 %
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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7 BWTrailerHitches Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 9.1K
+0.44 %
Channel Description
The Official YouTube page of B&W Trailer Hitches.
Strong, Consistent, and Trusted, B&W's products are manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility that houses a skilled workforce of craftsmen and the most technologically advanced equipment available. B&W has become an industry leader that customers seek out for quality and respect for superior customer care.
Channel Keywords
locking gooseneck coupler
Content Territory weight distribution hitch
motorcycle adventures
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8 Knapen Trailers Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 7.2K
+0.14 %
Channel Description
Since 1984 Knapen Trailers creates custom-built moving floor trailers without technical risk. All Knapen trailers are robot welded on solar power. In terms of Quality, Design and Innovation, we lead the way in the development of the moving floor industry. Knapen Trailers is a member of the Krone Group.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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9 BPWBergischeAchsen Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 7.1K
+0.42 %
Channel Description
Welcome to BPW! Everything that moves, secures, illuminates the trailer and makes it intelligent and digitally connected – worldwide. And much more. Follow us on our other channels: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreBPW/, https://www.instagram.com/wearebpw/, https://twitter.com/WeAreBPW, https://www.linkedin.com/company/bpw-bergische-achsen-kg/, https://www.xing.com/companies/bpwbergischeachsenkg/
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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10 DHOLLANDIA France Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 4.3K
+0.23 %
Channel Description
Découvrez les vidéos de DHOLLANDIA, spécialiste du hayon élévateur.
Vidéos d'utilisation des produits, des locaux, de l'usine de production, de démonstration de nos services...
Tout est là !
Pour plus d'information, www.dhollandia.com
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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11 SIGG-Fahrzeugbau GmbH Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 4.3K
+0.7 %
Channel Description
In unserem YouTube Kanal bekommen Sie einen Überblick unseres Anhänger-Programms.
Auf unserer Webseite: https://www.sigg-fahrzeugbau.de/pkw-anhaenger-uebersicht/ finden Sie weitere Informationen.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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12 Goldhofer Transport Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.9K
+0.25 %
Channel Description
Welcome to Goldhofer Transport Technology!
What originally started as a forge in 1705 is now a global company with outstanding experience and powers of innovation. We work every day to develop extremely robust and intelligent solutions for on- and off-road heavy-duty and oversized cargo haulage and airport operations. We also have an impressive international reputation for effective solutions in the challenging field of multi-modal transportation. Our uncompromising commitment to practical vehicle design is combined with the highest standards of production and customer-oriented sales and service. The result are vehicles that are finely tuned for your purpose. Production based on the highest technological standards for extremely economical and highly reliable operation.
No matter how long and heavy the load or how complicated the job, we keep things moving.
More about Goldhofer Transport Technology:
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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13 CIFA SpA Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.9K
+0.52 %
Channel Description
95 years of innovation. CIFA designs and manufactures a complete range of machines for production, transport, and placing of concrete.
Since 1928, CIFA has been a technological leader in the concrete supply chain. With its award-winning European design technology, CIFA has been in the construction equipment market for more than 95 years with the commitment to safety, machine performance improvement, work productivity increase, and ease of operation.
We build your world, since 1928.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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14 PALFINGER North America Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.5K
+0.88 %
Channel Description
Welcome to PALFINGER North America's official YouTube channel!
With PALFINGER you can #reachanything. As a global leader of innovation and technology in the field of lifting solutions, our customers are at the center of everything we do. We rely on our 90 years of experience to understand your business better than anyone. With our two strategic pillars: “Go for Solutions” and “Go Digital”, we will continue to empower you, our customers, to be successful day after day.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory best truck mounted forklift
truck mounted lift solutions
palfinger north america
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15 Carrier Refrigeration Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.1K
+1.3 %
Channel Description
Carrier Refrigeration helps improve transport and shipping of temperature-controlled cargoes with a complete line of equipment and services for refrigerated transport and cold chain visibility. Carrier Refrigeration is an industry leader, providing customers around the world with advanced, energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable container refrigeration systems and generator sets, direct-drive and diesel truck units, trailer refrigeration systems and commercial and warehouse solutions. Carrier Refrigeration is a part of Carrier, a leading global provider of innovative heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC), refrigeration, fire, security and building automation technologies. For more information, visit www.carrier.com . Follow Carrier on Twitter: @SmartColdChain.
Content Territory carrier refrigeration
transport refregiration
world environment day
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16 Trane Technologies Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.9K
+1.04 %
Channel Description
At Trane Technologies, sustainability isn’t just how we do business—it IS our business. As a Forbes ranked ‘Best Places to Work’ company, and global climate innovator, we’re working with the brightest minds and the best technology, we’re leading the way in a quest to boldly challenge what’s possible for a sustainable world.
We hold our work to the highest expectations with our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices that impact the lives of everyone around us. As innovators in a field with a pressing need for innovation in efficiency and sustainability, at Trane Technologies we are uniquely positioned to grow our business while improving the world. Global demand for sustainable technology is at an all-time high, and we are working to meet that need.
Through our strategic brands Trane and Thermo King, and our portfolio of environmentally responsible products and services, we bring efficient and sustainable climate solutions to buildings, homes and transportation.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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17 CHEP Supply Chain Solutions Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.4K
+0.84 %
Channel Description
As a Brambles company, the CHEP purpose is to connect people with life’s essentials every day. Through our share and reuse model, we move more goods to more people in more places than any other organisation. That’s how CHEP contributes to a more sustainable future.
With operations in 60 countries, CHEP’s network advantage comprises the scale and density of its service centre network and the strength of its customer relationships in every major market in which it operates.
Channel Keywords
sustainable business model
Content Territory supply chain management
sustainability in action
prototype development
supply chain optimization
product lifecycle management
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18 STRONGA Deutschland Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.8K
+0.56 %
Channel Description
Stronga ist ein internationales Familienunternehmen, dessen Name für Qualität und Innovation bei der Entwicklung von Trocknungslösungen auf Premium-Niveau, Dampfsterilisationsgeräten, Handhabungs- und Transportlösungen steht. Unsere Ausrüstung umfasst den weltberühmten HookLoada Hakenliftanhänger und das bewährte FlowDrya Durchlauftrocknungssystem.
Stronga Technologie hat Festigkeit, Lebensdauer und Restwerte, die über die anderer derzeit auf dem Markt erhältlicher Geräte hinausgehen. Wir sind stolz darauf, enge Beziehungen zu pflegen und die Werte unserer Kunden zu teilen, von denen viele auch in Familienbesitz sind.
Stronga respektiert andere und teilt Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, die die Leistung von Einzelpersonen und Teams bewerten. Bitte wenden Sie sich über die unten angegebenen Details an unser Verkaufsteam, um Informationen zu unseren Produkten zu erhalten.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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19 UNSINN Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.7K
+1.18 %
Channel Description
Die UNSINN Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH hat sich eine Philosophie der Flexibilität, die durch Sonderbau und Individualisierung gekennzeichnet ist, auf ihre Fahnen geschrieben. Durch die Entwicklung und Produktion von innovativen Anhängern und Abrollkippern „Made in Germany“ etablierte sich das traditionsreiche Familienunternehmen als Spezialist für maßgeschneiderte Kundenlösungen auf dem internationalen Markt. Vor 60 Jahren als Schmiedewerkstatt mit dem Bau der ersten landwirtschaftlichen Anhänger gestartet, produziert es mit über 300 Mitarbeitern heute mehr als 14.000 Qualitätsfahrzeuge für Kunden aus Industrie und Handwerk im In- und Ausland.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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20 STRONGA Norge Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.6K
-0.61 %
Channel Description
Stronga er et familieeid, internasjonalt selskap med navn som er synonymt med kvalitet og innovasjon i design av førsteklasses tørkeløsninger, dampsterilisasjonsutstyr, håndterings- og transportløsninger. Vårt utstyr har den verdensberømte HookLoada krokløfteren og det velprøvde FlowDrya kontinuerlige tørkesystemet.
Stronga-teknologi har styrke, levetid og restverdier utover det som annet utstyr som er tilgjengelig i markedet i dag. Vi er stolte av å opprettholde tette bånd og dele verdiene til våre kunder, hvorav mange også er familieeide virksomheter.
Vi har erfaring med å levere produkter av høy kvalitet og omfattende forretningsløsninger til våre kunder som forbedrer effektiviteten og dermed reduserer kostnadene og miljøpåvirkningen.
Stronga respekterer andre og deler muligheter for utvikling som verdsetter individets og teamets ytelse. Ta kontakt med salgsteamet vårt ved å bruke detaljene nedenfor for å spørre om noen av produktene våre.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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21 Thermo King Tech Tips Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.5K
-0.68 %
Channel Description
This channel has moved to https://www.youtube.com/@ThermoKingCorp/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=9.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory transportation equipment
cold chain maintenance
refrigeration technology
temperature regulation
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22 HUMER Anhänger Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.4K
+0.7 %
Channel Description
Willkommen in der Königsklasse!
Auf die Frage was HUMER einzigartig macht gibt es eine klare Antwort - wir bieten in Österreichs größten Anhängerparks mit über 1400 lagernden Anhängern unschlagbare Qualität für Kunden, die sich nicht mit dem Standard zufrieden geben. Und das gilt nicht nur für unsere Anhänger, Tieflader und Verkaufsfahrzeuge, sondern auch für außergewöhnliche Beratung durch ausgebildete Fachverkäufer und professionelle Abwicklung im gesamten Verkaufsprozess.
Bei HUMER gibt es keine Kompromisse! Wir nehmen beim Bau von Individualanhängern jede Herausforderung an und bringen zu Ende, was wir versprechen. Jahrzehntelanges Knowhow im Anhängerbau, ständiger Fortschritt in der Produktentwicklung und höchste Ansprüche an unsere Produkte garantieren Ihnen Lösungen mit Sinn und technischem Vorsprung.
Testen Sie uns und besuchen Sie eine HUMER Niederlassung in Ihrer Nähe.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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23 PAI Industries, Inc. Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.3K
+2.46 %
Channel Description
PAI Industries manufactures and distributes quality service parts to the heavy-duty truck industry. For over 40 years we've been supplying distributors throughout the world. PAI owes its remarkable success to its dedicated and knowledgeable employees. With decades of experience designing and field-testing products, both our Engineering and Sales Staff are available to answer your most challenging technical questions. PAI's commitment to its customers is evidenced by maintaining the highest levels of quality for the products and services we provide. Quality, continual improvement, and customer satisfaction are the personal responsibility of every PAI employee.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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24 AL-KO VT DACH Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.2K
+0.87 %
Channel Description
Die AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group ist ein stark wachsender global agierender Technologiekonzern und eine Business Unit von DexKo Global. Mit hochwertigen Fahrwerks- und Federungskomponenten für Anhänger, Freizeit- und Nutzfahrzeuge sowie Bau- und Agrarfahrzeuge steht die Unternehmensgruppe für Funktionalität, Komfort und Innovationskraft und sorgt so für mehr Fahrsicherheit. Gegründet 1931 beschäftigt der Konzern rund 3.000 Mitarbeitende an mehr als 40 Standorten weltweit. Mehr unter www.alko-tech.com
Datenschutz: https://www.alko-tech.com/de/datenschutz
Channel Keywords
alko vehicle technology group
Content Territory No keywords found
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25 AL-KO VT Australia Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.1K
+0.92 %
Channel Description
The AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group is a swiftly growing global technology group and a business unit of DexKo Global. With high-quality chassis and suspension components for trailers, leisure and commercial vehicles, construction and agricultural vehicles, the group represents the best in functionality and comfort as well as innovations to ensure greater driving safety. Founded in 1931 the group today has around 3,000 employees at more than 40 locations worldwide. Find out more at www.alko.com.au
About DexKo Global
DexKo Global Inc. is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality chassis technology, chassis assemblies, accessories and hydraulic brake components. DexKo Global was founded in 2016 through the merger of Dexter and AL-KO Vehicle Technology. Headquartered in Novi, Michigan/USA, the company employs around 6,000 people in more than 100 production facilities and distribution centers. For more information, please go to www.dexko.com
Channel Keywords
AL-KO Power Mover jockey wheel
AL-KO bearing replacement
AL-KO brake shoe replacement
AL-KO ratchet jockey wheel
Content Territory alko vehicle technology
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26 KOKS Group - vacuum trucks Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1K
+0.98 %
Channel Description
KOKS Group is a Dutch manufacturer of vacuum trucks, non-man entry robotics and heavy industrial cleaning equipment built in accordance with the latest PED, ADR (Ceoc), DOT 407/412 and ATEX (Ex) standards. KOKS has been able to develop into a top player in the market in thirty years and is a global leader is safety, ergonomics, environment and quality.
Channel Keywords
industrial cleaning equipment
industrieel reinigingsmaterieel
Content Territory No keywords found
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26 ПАЛФИНГЕР СНГ Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1K
+0.98 %
Channel Description
ПАЛФИНГЕР – один из крупнейших в мире производителей грузоподъемного оборудования и готовых решений для всех отраслей экономики. ПАЛФИНГЕР СНГ со штаб-квартирой в Санкт-Петербурге объединяет ведущих российских производителей и поставщиков грузоподъемного оборудования и спецтехники - заводы «ВЕЛМАШ-С» (г. Великие Луки), «ИНМАН» (г. Ишимбай), «Соломбальский машиностроительный завод» (г. Архангельск) и Палфингер КАМА Цилиндры (г. Нефтекамск), а также компании «Палфингер Кран Рус» и «Подъемные машины».
Предприятия ПАЛФИНГЕР СНГ производят и поставляют под брендами ВЕЛМАШ и ИНМАН краны-манипуляторы, гидроманипуляторы для леса и лома, крюковые погрузчики и автогидроподъемники, а также готовую автомобильную спецтехнику с этим подъемным оборудованием.
Техника успешно эксплуатируется во многих отраслях экономики:
- Лесной
- Ломозаготовительной
- Обращения с отходами
- Коммунальной
- Строительной
- Нефтегазовой
- Горнодобывающей
- Энергетической
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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26 AL-KO VT Italia Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1K
+0.98 %
Channel Description
Il Gruppo AL-KO Vehicle Technology è un gruppo tecnologico globale in rapida crescita ed è una divisione aziendale di DexKo Global. Con i suoi componenti di qualità per lo chassis e il telaio di rimorchi, veicoli per il tempo libero, veicoli commerciali leggeri, macchine agricole e da costruzione, AL-KO è sinonimo di ergonomia e funzionalità, del massimo comfort e di costanti innovazioni per una maggiore sicurezza. Fondato nel 1931, il gruppo conta oggi circa 3.500 dipendenti distribuiti in oltre 40 sedi in tutto il mondo. Ulteriori informazioni al sito www.alko-tech.com
Content Territory No keywords found
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29 Ledwell Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 861
+0.94 %
Channel Description
At Ledwell, we manufacture truck bodies and trailers to last. Since 1946, we've provided custom equipment for just about any job. We supply various industries, including; Bulk Haul, Construction, Fire, Government, Rental, and Waste. We have what you need to get the job done.
If you need unusual equipment for easier work, we'll build it. A few of our problem-solvers feature our Gull Wing and our Knuckle Boom Trough Trailer - both providing durable solutions. We want your input. At the end of the day, it's all about making your job easier, no matter the task.
Each piece of equipment comes with a Ledwell Made Guarantee! Our equipment is built to last, but we are behind you every step of the way.
It's not just well made. It's LEDWELL made.
Channel Keywords
manufactured truck bodies
paddle wagon feed trailer
how to operate ledwell equipment
authorized rotobec dealer
Content Territory custom truck bodies and trailers
heavy duty equipment
american manufacturing
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30 AL-KO Vehicle Technology UK Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 843
+0.24 %
United Kingdom
Channel Description
The AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group is a swiftly growing global technology group and a business unit of DexKo Global. With high-quality chassis and suspension components for trailers, leisure and commercial vehicles, construction and agricultural vehicles, the group represents the best in functionality and comfort as well as innovations to ensure greater driving safety. Founded in 1931 the group today has around 3,500 employees at more than 40 locations worldwide. Find out more at www.alko-tech.com/en_gb
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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