1 C5 CDMX Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 499K
+0.6 %
Channel Description
Centro de Comando, Control, Cómputo, Comunicaciones y Contacto Ciudadano de la Ciudad de México.
Los videos aquí mostrados son únicamente de carácter informativo, con el fin de dar a conocer a la ciudadanía los casos de éxito del C5.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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2 PEMPROV DKI JAKARTA Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 328K
+0.31 %
Channel Description
Official Video Kegiatan Kedinasan Gubernur, Wakil Gubernur, dan Sekda Provinsi DKI Jakarta disiapkan oleh tim Sie. Pelayanan Hubungan Media
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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3 Governo do Estado de São Paulo Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 315K
+0.32 %
Channel Description
YouTube oficial do Governo do Estado de SP
Canal oficial do Telegram: https://t.me/governosp
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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4 서울시 · Seoul Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 220K
+0.92 %
South Korea
Channel Description
서울시의 정보를 실시간으로 시민과 + 나누는 ÷ 서울시 공식 ♡ 유튜브
더 많은 서울 소식이 궁금하다면?
아래 채널 구독! 서울 생활에 꼭 필요한 정보를 발빠르게 안내해드립니다.
구독 및 좋아요를 꼭꼭 눌러주세요~
걱정말아요 서울 https://www.youtube.com/@seoulpod
페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/seoul.kr
인스타그램 http://instagram.com/seoul_official
트위터 https://twitter.com/seoulmania
카카오스토리 https://story.kakao.com/ch/seoul
라이브서울 http://tv.seoul.go.kr
서울시 카카오톡 채널 https://pf.kakao.com/_WlXsV
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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5 東京都 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 183K
+0.55 %
Channel Description
1 コメント欄を開放する動画
(1) 下記の動画を除き、コメント欄を開放します。
ア 限定公開している動画
イ 制作所管課がコメント欄開放を希望しない動画
ウ 戦略広報課において、コメント欄を開放することが不適切であると判断した動画
(2) コメント欄は、必要に応じて、随時、開放または閉鎖することがあります。
2 コメント欄の設定
(1) 動画のコメント設定は「コメントをすべて許可する」、並び替えは「人気順」とします。
(2) 「ブロックする単語」及び「リンクをブロックする」は設定しません。
3 投稿されたコメントの表示等
4 投稿されたコメントに対する反応
5 戦略広報課による投稿等
6 免責等
(1) 戦略広報課は、投稿されたコメント及びコメントに起因するトラブル等に関して、一切の責任を負いません。
(2) 戦略広報課は、投稿されたコメントに関するお問合せについて、お答えいたしません。
7 その他
Content Territory No keywords found
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6 GobCDMX Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 157K
+0.64 %
Channel Description
Canal oficial del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México
Channel Keywords
Gobierno de la Ciudad de México
Content Territory No keywords found
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7 GCBA Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 134K
+0.75 %
Channel Description
Canal oficial del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Channel Keywords
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Content Territory No keywords found
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8 Gobernación de Antioquia Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 127K
+0.79 %
Channel Description
Gobernador Andrés Julián Rendón Cardona
2024 - 2027
Channel Keywords
Plan de Desarrollo Unidos
Departamento de Antioquia
Organización Gubernamental
Content Territory No keywords found
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9 Municipalidad de Lima Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 112K
+1.82 %
Channel Description
Lima te da la bienvenida a través de este espacio digital, un canal de comunicación de carácter abierto en el que cada día podrás encontrar información del trabajo que venimos realizando para hacer de nuestra ciudad un lugar más seguro, ordenado, limpio, inclusivo y participativo. Una Lima con la que todos soñamos.
Nuestra capital es una ciudad dinámica y atractiva, y nuestro compromiso es repotenciar esas características, pero sobre todo que se convierta en una Lima mucho más acogedora para ti y para los miles de visitantes que recibimos a diario.
Estamos trabajando con mucha ilusión, responsabilidad y con absoluta transparencia, esta última será el motor de la presente gestión y que nos impulsará a ofrecerte más y mejores servicios, para optimizar tu calidad de vida y la de tu familia, y todos podamos así disfrutar plenamente de nuestra querida Lima.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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10 Alcaldía de Bogotá Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 73K
+0.14 %
Channel Description
Canal oficial de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá
Carrera 8 Nro. 10-65
Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Content Territory No keywords found
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11 Seoul City Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 69K
+0.58 %
South Korea
Channel Description
This is an official YouTube channel of Seoul Metropolitan Government.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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12 City of Rovaniemi Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 63K
+0.63 %
Channel Description
Tervetuloa Rovaniemen, arktisen pääkaupungin, viralliselle YouTube-kanavalle. // This is the official YouTube channel of the city of Rovaniemi, the Arctic capital located at the Arctic circle in Lapland, Finland.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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13 Alcaldía de Medellín Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 59K
+1.02 %
Channel Description
Cuenta oficial del Distrito de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de #Medellín 💚. Conoce cómo avanza nuestra ciudad "Medellintequiere.
Content Territory No keywords found
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14 Seattle Channel Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 59K
+5.96 %
Channel Description
Seattle Channel is an award-winning municipal TV station that reflects, informs, and inspires the community it serves with a local mix of news, analysis, stories, and perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Programming highlights the diverse civic and cultural landscape of Seattle with compelling, high-quality content including a public-affairs show; live meetings and press conferences; in-depth arts coverage; a news/lifestyle magazine show; community features; panel discussions and interviews with local leaders and national figures.
Find us online anytime at seattlechannel.org. Seattle cable subscribers can find us on channel 21 on Comcast (321 HD) and Wave (721 HD).
View the City of Seattle’s digital policies at www.seattle.gov/digital, including our commenting policy at http://www.seattle.gov/about-our-digital-properties/content-policies/online-posted-content-and-commentary-policy.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory parks and recreation
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15 Alcaldía de Barranquilla Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 45K
+1.57 %
Channel Description
Canal oficial de la Alcaldía de Barranquilla, Colombia, en Youtube.
Dirección: Calle 34 No. 43 - 31
Línea de atención telefónica: 195 o +57 605 4010205
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Sitio web: http://www.barranquilla.gov.co
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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16 臺北市政府Taipei City Government Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 45K
+0.22 %
Channel Description
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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17 NYC Mayor's Office Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 35K
+1.47 %
Channel Description
Updates from the Administration of Eric Adams, New York City's 110th Mayor. Mayor Eric Adams has served the people of New York City as an NYPD officer, State Senator, Brooklyn Borough President, and now as the 110th Mayor of the City of New York. He gave voice to a diverse coalition of working families in all five boroughs and is leading the fight to bring back New York City’s economy, reduce inequality, improve public safety, and build a stronger, healthier city that delivers for all New Yorkers.
All use of this page, including comments, is subject to the NYC Social Media Customer Use Policy: http://www1.nyc.gov/home/social-media-privacy-policy.page
Channel Keywords
Content Territory sustainability in action
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18 WROCŁAW_PL Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 33K
+0 %
Channel Description
Najlepsze materiały wideo z Wrocławia i okolic. Wiadomości, Inwestycje, komunikacja, turystyka, kultura. Shortsy.
Kanał wideo portalu www.wroclaw.pl.
#wroclaw #wiadomosci #kultura #transport #inwestycje #miasto #zielen
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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19 Warszawa Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 32K
+0.31 %
Channel Description
Witaj na oficjalnym profilu Warszawy, tutaj dowiesz się co dzieje się w mieście. Zapraszamy!
Channel Keywords
miasto stołeczne warszawa
Content Territory No keywords found
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20 City of Tampa Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 26K
+0.38 %
Channel Description
Tampa, home to over 340,000 residents, is a vibrant, dynamic and beautiful city. Located on the banks of the Hillsborough River, our rich history and diverse cultural heritage have long been strengths for our community.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory special operations forces industry conference
capabilities demonstration
e bike voucher program
transportation options
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21 Miasto Kraków Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 25K
+0.4 %
Channel Description
Oficjalny kanał Miasta Krakowa na YouTube.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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22 Instituto del Deporte de la Ciudad de México Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 24K
+0.42 %
Channel Description
Canal oficial del Instituto del Deporte de la Ciudad de México
Channel Keywords
Gobierno de la Ciudad de México
Content Territory No keywords found
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23 Alcaldía de Cali Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 24K
+0.85 %
Channel Description
Santiago de Cali Distrito Especial Deportivo, Cultural, Turístico, Empresarial y de Servicios.
Santiago de Cali Distrito Especial Deportivo, Cultural, Turístico, Empresarial y de Servicios.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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24 Municipal de Santiago Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 23K
+0.43 %
Channel Description
El Teatro Municipal de Santiago es el centro cultural activo más antiguo de Chile y escenario fundamental de obras de todo el mundo www.municipal.cl
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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25 Municipalidad de Guatemala Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 22K
+0.45 %
Channel Description
Canal oficial de la Municipalidad de Guatemala.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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26 Ville de Paris Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 21K
+0.47 %
Channel Description
Bienvenue sur la chaîne officielle de la Ville de Paris ! 💡🇫🇷
Sur cette chaîne, découvrez les coulisses de Paris, des conseils, des aides et toutes les actualités de la Ville : la culture, les monuments, les services publics, les bonnes adresses, les sorties à ne pas manquer,...
Paris, ville bouillonnante de vie, prend soin de ses habitants, de l'environnement, de son patrimoine,...
Ici, on vous raconte et on vous montre comment.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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26 City and County of Denver Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 21K
+0.47 %
Channel Description
We’re the City and County of Denver, and we’re proud to serve the residents of the City. And while our elevation is a Mile High, the services we offer and stories our residents have to tell are miles higher.
That’s what you'll see on our channel. Here you’ll find accurate information for city news, programs and services, and unique stories from our 78 unique neighborhoods.
Find news you can use with press &, safety updates, and info on city services.
Discover ‘Elevating Denver’ and ‘I am Denver’. Both programs aim to raise the profile of our residents by telling their stories.
Find the best in local music with programs including ‘Live at Levitt’, ‘Denver Sessions’, and ‘Red Rocks Premieres’
Subscribe so you won’t miss out on all we have to offer!
The City & County of Denver's Cable TV channel, Denver 8 is a part of Denver's Digital Experience which provides production services and franchise oversight for the City and County of Denver, Colorado government.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory city and county of denver
your voice your choice
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28 countysandiego Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 21K
+0.49 %
Channel Description
Official YouTube page for the County of San Diego government, including programs that are cablecast & shown on CountyNewsCenter.com and CNC TV.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory medicine presentation
board of supervisors meeting
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29 まるはっちゅ~ぶ(名古屋市) Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 21K
+0.99 %
Channel Description
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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30 Barcelona.cat Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 19K
+0.53 %
Channel Description
Canal oficial de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. #barcelona
✅ Normes de participació: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/xarxessocials/guiaparticipacio/ca/
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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