1 Doctor Mike Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 14M
+0.75 %
Channel Description
Dr. Mikhail "Mike" Varshavski D.O.
Actively Practicing Board Certified Family Medicine Doctor living in NYC
#1 Health/Medicine Influencer w/ 25,000,000+ followers
Aiming to make the field of medicine relatable, understandable, and fun!
Executive Producer - Doctor Mike
Director of Production - Dan Owens
Managing Editor/Producer - Sam Bowers
Editor/Designer - Caroline Weigum
Editor - Juan Carlos Zuniga
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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2 Dr. Eric Berg DC Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 13M
+0.76 %
Channel Description
Dr. Eric Berg DC, age 59, discusses the truth about getting healthy and losing weight. Dr. Berg specializes in Healthy Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals, and a best-selling amazon.com author.
His book, The Healthy Keto Plan describes specific strategies on doing the healthy version of the ketogenic diet as well as intermittent
fasting. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics and trained over 2500 doctors world-wide in his methods. Dr. Berg breaks down confusing complex health topics into easy to understand, usable knowledge.
For more information, go to our website at www.drberg.com or call customer service at 703-354-7336. Much of the details of Dr. Berg's program is in his exclusive membership site at: https://www.drberg.com/exclusive-membership
Dr. Eric Berg
4501 Ford Avenue
Alexandria, VA, 22302
Channel Keywords
Content Territory intermittent fasting
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3 Doc Willie Ong Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 10M
+0.2 %
Channel Description
Doc Willie Ong and wife Doc Liza shares 4,500 videos on all health concerns, like women's health, heart disease, exercise, physical therapy, mental health and others. Most videos in Filipino but 100 videos are in English.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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4 motivationaldoc Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 9.6M
+0.63 %
Channel Description
Hello and thank you for taking the time to come to my channel. You have made a very wise decision in taking the proactive approach for your health and well-being. We must understand that all symptoms have a cause, and getting to the root of your cause is our goal. Please search through the many hundreds of my self-help videos so you and your family can live a long and healthy life. Dr. M
Website: https://motivationaldoc.com
Please be aware that there are other public and group pages pretending to be me. They are using my pictures and videos. For your information I only have one page which is motivationaldoc on all my platforms, including Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Please be aware I never ask for money or selling any services. Thank you. Dr. Alan Mandell
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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5 Nutricionista Patricia Leite Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 7.8M
+0.39 %
Channel Description
A Dra. Patricia Leite é uma das nutricionistas mais conceituadas do país, sendo muito solicitada para palestras, consultorias, atendimento personalizado para atletas, pessoas com condições especiais de saúde e pessoas que desejam melhorar a forma física de forma saudável.
Ela busca ajudar as pessoas a ter uma alimentação saudável e qualidade de vida, com informações verdadeiras, sem sensacionalismo. São muitas dicas de nutrição, saúde, boa forma, suplementação, emagrecimento, massa muscular, diabetes, pressão alta, gordura no fígado, dieta e muito mais.
A Dra. Patricia não vende suplementos ou dieta pela Internet. Cuidado com contas falsas. Siga sempre suas páginas oficiais.
⚠️ As informações disponibilizadas nesse canal são de caráter informativo. Não devem ser utilizadas como base de auto-diagnósitico, auto-prescrição ou auto-tratamento. Consulte sempre seu médico e/ou nutricionista.
Channel Keywords
receitas faceis e rapidas
nutricionista patricia leite
Content Territory No keywords found
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6 Dr. Agustin Landivar Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 7.2M
+0.28 %
Channel Description
Como médico convencional, el Dr. Landivar esta apasionado por la medicina natural. Él cree que la medicina natural puede mejorar la vitalidad, bienestar y la salud de una persona. En este canal, el Dr. Agustin Landivar comparte información valiosa sobre cómo restaurar el vigor, la salud física y mental mediante el uso de la medicina natural basada en la evidencia científica.
El Dr. Agustin Landivar es el fundador de doctorlandivar.com, un sitio web que ofrece la mejor información científica sobre el uso de vitaminas, minerales y suplementos dietéticos para usted y su familia.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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7 Dr. Berg - официальный русскоязычный канал Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 6.9M
+0.44 %
Channel Description
Это официальный канал Dr. Eric Berg на русском. Все видео доктора Берга на русском языке о кето-диете и как похудеть с помощью кето размещены здесь с его разрешения.
Здесь вы узнаете, что такое кетоз, что такое кето диета и что такое кетоны. Видео про здоровый кетоз и интервальное голодание.
Если вы задавались вопросом, как стать здоровым в вашем возрасте и как быть здоровым в будущем, то вы на правильном канале. И вы на верном пути, если ставите цель сбросить лишний вес, но до сих пор не нашли эффективного способа, как быстро похудеть без вреда организму.
Доктор Берг объясняет, как используется кето диета для похудения и почему другая диета не работает.
На этом канале вы также найдете советы Dr. Berg по питанию, рецепты из кето меню, чтобы вы могли перейти на действительно правильное питание, стать более здоровыми и похудеть в домашних условиях.
Подпишитесь и смотрите все видео Dr. Eric Berg c русским переводом в телеграм 👉 t.me/drBerg
Channel Keywords
Content Territory intermittent fasting
intermittent fasting for weight loss
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8 دكتور بيرج بالعربي Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 6.8M
+0.59 %
UAE United Arab Emirates
Channel Description
يتحدث الدكتور إيريك بيرج المُجاز في المعالجة اليدويّة عن حقيقة الحصول على جسم صحي أولاً ثم خسارة الوزن. إنه متخصص في الكيتوزية الصحية والصيام المُتقطّع.
قدم د.بيرج ما يزيد على 4800 محاضرة في مواضيع مرتبطة بالصحة، كما درّب أكثر من 2500 دكتور حول العالم على أساليبه الطبية. يُبسّط الدكتور بيرج مواضيع الصحة المعقدة والمُربكة ويطرحها بشكل يسير للفهم يُسهّل الاستفادة منها.
هذه القناة الرسمية الوحيدة باللغة العربية التابعة للدكتور بيرج، يمكنكم التواصل معنا على ايميل القناة أو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التابعة لهذه القناة:
Facebook: ArabicDrBerg
Instagram: drberg.ar
Twitter: DrBergArabic
Telegram: DrBergArabic
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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9 DR LA ROSA Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 6.1M
+0.82 %
Channel Description
Hola soy el Dr La Rosa,
En este canal vas a ver contenido sobre longevidad, nutrición, ejercicio y consejos basados en evidencia para mejorar tu calidad de vida.
Suscríbete y comienza a transformar tu salud!
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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10 доктор Евдокименко Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 6.1M
+0.49 %
Channel Description
Официальный канал Доктора Евдокименко / РАЗУМНАЯ МЕДИЦИНА.
*Видеоканал о здоровье для разумных людей*.
Видео по темам: болезни спины и суставов; гипертония, повышенный холестерин, диабет, головная боль, бессонница;
лечебные гимнастики для суставов и позвоночника.
И многое, многое другое!
Евдокименко Павел Валерьевич — практикующий врач-ревматолог, невролог,
академик российской Академии Медико-Технических Наук.
Автор 12 книг о здоровье.
Сайт : http://www.evdokimenko.ru
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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11 Dr. Veller Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 5.8M
+0.7 %
Channel Description
Te ayudamos a sanar tu cuerpo, prevenir y combatir enfermedades con los mejores consejos para mejorar tu salud!
Nuestro primer libro "El Superpoder de los Alimentos" Disponible en todo el mundo!
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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12 Dr. Carlos Jaramillo Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 5.1M
+1.2 %
Channel Description
Acompaño tu viaje hacia una vida más larga y saludable.
Content Territory instituto de medicina functional
universidad de la sabana
cirugía univesidad yale
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13 Dr. Sten Ekberg Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 4.8M
+1.05 %
Channel Description
Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Health & Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete & holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. You'll learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Dr. Ekberg covers health tips like healthy foods to eat, nutrition, weight loss, healthy keto diet, low carb foods, intermittent fasting, holistic health tips, lower blood pressure, reverse insulin resistance, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, brain health, stretches & more
Videos every Friday at 6:15am ET
Dr. Sten Ekberg
• Holistic Natural Health Doctor
• Education in Nutrition, Neurology, Physiology, Chiropractic & Functional Medicine
• Olympic Decathlete, Swedish National Record Holder & NCAA Div I Record Holder in Decathlon
Wellness For Life
5920 Odell St
CummingGA 30040 USA
Channel Keywords
Content Territory intermittent fasting
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14 Антон Алексеев Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.9M
+0.52 %
Channel Description
Приветствую! Меня зовут Алексеев Антон. Я врач мануальный терапевт, невролог, кинезиолог. На своем
канале я помогаю людям избавиться от болей в спине и позвоночнике.
У тебя появлялась боль в пояснице после физических нагрузок?
Просыпаешься с утра и чувствуешь боль в спине?
Начинаешь делать упражнения, чтобы избавиться от боли, а спина начинает болеть сильнее?
Проходишь регулярные курсы лечения у врача, мануального терапевта, массажиста это помогает временно, но потом больснова появляется?
Ты просто не знаешь, что делать самому, чтобы больше не болела спина?
Тогда этот канал для тебя. Метод Доктора Алексеева. Узнай как навсегда избавиться от боли в спине.
Channel Keywords
упражнения для позвоночника
лечение грыжы позвоночника
Content Territory No keywords found
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15 Dr Juliano Teles Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.8M
+0.26 %
Channel Description
Dr. Juliano Piunti Teles – Gastrocirurgião
CRM 90.412/SP | RQE 20946 - Cirurgião Geral | RQE 20947 - Cirurgião do Aparelho Digestivo
Médico há mais de 20 anos, formado pela UNESP – Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu onde realizei residência médica e especialização em cirurgia geral e do aparelho digestivo. Sua trajetória profissional teve em Tatuí/SP – sua cidade natal – onde passou a atuar no âmbito hospitalar e a clinicar como gastro e cirurgião geral, realizando os procedimentos de endoscopia digestiva alta e colonoscopia.
Então, clique no botão INSCREVER-SE para não perder nenhum vídeo!
Channel Keywords
como controlar a ansiedade
Content Territory No keywords found
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16 Видео блог Доктора Шишонина Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.5M
+1.17 %
Channel Description
Официальный канал доктора Шишонина. Александр Юрьевич Шишонин - один из самых известных врачей России, кмн, автор уникальной методики лечения гипертонии и самой популярной в мире гимнастики для шеи, автор множества книг, основатель и идейный вдохновитель АНО «Медицина здоровья» и Всероссийского движения «Кузница здоровья доктора Шишонина».
На канале вы найдете уникальную информацию по профилактике и лечению хронических неинфекционных заболеваний у взрослых и детей. Вы найдете только проверенные материалы, созданные доктором победившим гипертонию.
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ: гимнастика для шеи, упражнения для улучшения кровотока головного мозга, дыхательные упражнения, самомассаж при болях в суставах и спине.
СОВЕТЫ по лечению: гипертонии, грыж и протрузий позвоночника, атеросклероза, инсульта, инфаркта, атеросклероза, диабета 2 типа.
Есть противопоказания. Посоветуйтесь с врачом.
Личный приём доктора Шишонина: 8-800-511-66-58
По вопросам сотрудничества:
[email protected]
РНК № 4977606570
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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17 KenDBerryMD Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.4M
+0.58 %
Channel Description
Evidence-Based Nutrition + Ancestral Health
I’m Dr. Ken Berry, and the Proper Human Diet (PHD) is your roadmap to reclaiming your health. With over 20 years as a family physician, I’ve treated thousands of patients using real, practical advice grounded in research and ancestral wisdom.
No fluff—just straightforward guidance on how to use low-carb, keto, carnivore diets and lifestyle changes like intermittent fasting to tackle diabetes, obesity, hormone imbalances, and more.
Download your free PHD guidebook today and start making smarter choices.
👉 Download Here: https://www.drberry.com/guidebook
What You’ll Learn:
• How to lose fat and lower your blood sugar
• How to optimize hormones and boost energy
• How to implement the PHD for sustainable results
Join the PHD Community for live Q&A sessions, health coach support, and more.
👉 Join Here: https://www.drberry.com/community
Channel Keywords
Content Territory intermittent fasting
hormone optimization
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18 Dr Simi Adedeji Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.4M
+0.29 %
United Kingdom
Channel Description
Dr Simi Adedeji MD | Actively Practicing Board Certified Family Medicine Doctor | London UK
The Video Content on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read
or seen on this YouTube channel. The statements made throughout this video are not to be used or relied on to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent health conditions. In addition, transmission of this Content is not intended to create, and receipt by you does not constitute, a physician-patient relationship with Dr Simi Adedeji, it’s employees, agents, independent contractors, or anyone acting on behalf of
Dr Simi Adedeji.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory skincare for clear pores
endometriosis awareness
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19 Dr Lucas Fustinoni Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.2M
+0.31 %
Channel Description
Seja muito bem-vindo(a)!
Aqui você encontra conteúdo atual e científico sobre saúde, bem-estar e qualidade de vida!
Dr Lucas Fustinoni
(CRM-PR 30.155)
Channel Keywords
produto para cabelo natural
Content Territory No keywords found
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20 Dr. John Campbell Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.2M
+0.31 %
United Kingdom
Channel Description
Hello Everyone,
My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and former clinical nurse based in England. I also do some teaching in Asia and Africa when time permits. These videos are to help students to learn the background to all forms of health care. My PhD focused on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally.
LinkedIn profile, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-john-campbell-5256223b/
Twitter, https://twitter.com/Johnincarlisle
Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/john.l.campbell1/
Disclaimer; These media including videos, book, e book, articles, podcasts are not peer-reviewed. They should never replace individual clinical judgement from your own health care provider. No media-based material on this channel is suitable for using as professional medical advice. All comments are also for educational purposed only and must never replace advice from your own health care provider.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory healthcare background
mast cell activation syndrome
genetically modified organisms
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21 دكتور جودة محمد عواد Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3M
+0.33 %
Channel Description
دكتور جودة محمد عواد
طبيب استشاري حاصل على دكتوراة في التغذية العلاجية والمناعة والأمراض المزمنة من جامعة عين شمس سنة 1996
.حاصل علي بكالريوس الطب والجراحة من جامعة القاهرة سنة 2001
."حاصل علي دبلومة الباثولوجيا الأكلينيكية "التحايل الطبية- من جامعة القاهرة سنة 2006
حاصل علي دبلوم امراض الباطنة العامة سنة 2018
."حاصل علي دبلوم الدراسات الإسلامية والإمامة "الأزهر الشريف-سنة 1985
.عضو جمعية الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة-
.عضو مؤسس في الجمعية المصرية للتداوي بمنتجات النحل-
.مقدم برامج بالتلفيزيون منذ عام 1985
حاصل علي تكريم كأفضل طبيب في العالم من منظمة unarts سنة 2021
وتكريم كأب قدوة في مجال الطب من منظمة unarts سنة 2022
Content Territory No keywords found
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22 Gabay sa Kalusugan - Dr. Gary Sy Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.6M
+1.16 %
Channel Description
Educating people about health in a very simple to understand and entertaining way.
Dr. Gary Sy is a Diplomate in Geriatric Medicine, advocates Integrative Health & Wellness, and a Functional Medicine Practitioner. He is the medical director of The Life Extension Center for Health & Wellness.
The Life Extension
Center for Health & Wellness
3rd Floor of Bell-Kenz Tower
#127 Malakas Street
Central Diliman, Quezon City
(at the back of Philippine Heart Center).
Contact numbers:
(02) 8911-13-14
(02) 8400-42-05
Cellular phone # 0917-5777675
Clinic Hours:
Monday to Saturday
9:00am to 3:00pm
Consultations strictly by appointment only.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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23 Doctor ER Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.4M
+1.68 %
Channel Description
Hey everyone, I'm Dr. Jordan Wagner, also known as Doctor ER. Do you have any medical questions or want to speak to a doctor? I'm here to help! I'm a real-life emergency room doctor with extensive experience treating a wide range of conditions. That's why I created this channel: to make medical reaction videos and help answer your health-related questions. Please be sure to subscribe to my channel and turn on your bell notifications. I post new educational videos every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Thank you so much for watching. Stay healthy, my friends!
Channel Keywords
emergency medicine doctor
Content Territory
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24 Dr. Josh Axe Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.4M
+0.43 %
Channel Description
Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CNS, is a doctor of chiropractic, certified doctor of natural medicine, clinical nutritionist, leadership expert and highly successful entrepreneur, with a passion to help people eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. He earned his doctorate from Palmer College and his Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Axe is the cofounder and CVO of Ancient Nutrition, founder of DrAxe.com, and founder of The Health Institute. His businesses have ranked on the Inc. 500 fastest growing companies. He is the bestselling author of Think This Not That, Eat Dirt, Keto Diet, and Ancient Remedies. He regularly teaches lectures and trains entrepreneurs on leadership, mindset, and self- development. Josh is married to his wife, Chelsea, and they have two daughters. They live between Nashville, TN and Dorado, PR and enjoy cooking, staying active swimming and cycling, and prioritize time for their faith and family.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory intermittent fasting
inflammation reduction
mental health awareness
life changing conversations
happiness and positivity
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25 AskDoctorJo Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.3M
+0.44 %
Channel Description
Hi, I'm Doctor Jo, a Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy. My videos demonstrate proper techniques for some of the best stretches & exercises to help relieve common pains like knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, arthritis, sciatica, fibromyalgia, and more.
Be safe, have fun, and I hope you feel better soon!
DISCLAIMER: This content is for informational purposes only. It is general in nature and is not intended to be medical advice, nor does using it create a physical therapist-patient relationship with you. Before starting, consult your own healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and to ensure this content and any included products are safe and appropriate for your own medical and physical condition. Stop immediately if you experience pain. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content for you. By voluntarily using this content, you assume all risks for any resulting losses, injuries, or damages.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory chronic pain management
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26 Клиника Доктора Длина Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.3M
+0.89 %
Channel Description
КЛИНИКА лечения позвоночника и суставов Доктора Длина
Здравствуйте, меня зовут Сергей Владимирович Длин. Я - врач-невролог, мануальный терапевт, остеопат. Автор эксклюзивного метода безоперационного лечения межпозвонковых грыж
На моем канале вы найдете следующую полезную информацию:
🔹 Лечение межпозвоночной грыжи
🔹 Как снять боль в спине, позвоночнике и шее
🔹 Воспаление суставов, артроз, артрит
🔹 Упражнения для снятия боли в спине и шее
Если вам нужна помощь специалиста, вы можете обратиться в нашу клинику. Мы применяем самые прогрессивные и авторские методики лечения позвоночника и суставов, дающие стабильный результат, сохраняющийся на долгое время.
Наш адрес: г. Москва, ул. Гиляровского, д. 51
Запись в клинику на бесплатную консультацию: +7 (495) 489-08-88
По вопросам сотрудничества и рекламы:
[email protected]
Идентификатор страницы № 5197430449
Регистрация в перечне владельцев страниц в
соцсетях: https://clck.ru/3Ge7rC
Channel Keywords
как поддерживать здоровье
здоровье в пожилом возрасте
Content Territory No keywords found
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27 Dr Karan Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.2M
+0.47 %
United Kingdom
Channel Description
I’m Dr Karan, a general surgeon in the NHS, dork & dad-dog (not necessarily in that order).
If you want to learn more about health, science & medicine with a bit of inappropriate humour thrown in then it’s a statistical probability you might enjoy this channel.
Sit back & enjoy..or recoil in horror at the things I’ll teach you.
Also while you’re here if you’ve liked any of my videos then you’ll enjoy my book “This Book May Save Your Life” here:
Content Territory No keywords found
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28 Doc Adam Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2M
-0.5 %
Channel Description
Quacks Pa more
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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29 DoctorOz Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2M
+0.51 %
Channel Description
Welcome to the official Dr. Oz YouTube Channel. Please enjoy all the exciting videos that will teach you about health and wellness, including beauty tips, recipes, supplements, happy relationships, smart finances, and much more to live "The Good Life".
Channel Keywords
Content Territory mental health matters
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30 doctorpetrik Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.8M
+0.57 %
Channel Description
Медицина - самая сложная область человеческих знаний. Человек без медицинского образования часто становится заложником неверных представлений врача о здоровье или просто жертвой некомпетентности. Единственный выход из этой ситуации, научиться критически мыслить и получить некоторые сведения о том, как устроен человеческий организм. Это приведет к трем результатам: 1) вы будете меньше обращаться к врачам 2) вы научитесь распознавать, правильно ли вас лечат 3) не будете попадаться на удочку шарлатанов
Цель моего видео проекта - сделать вас образованными и поделиться своими знаниями. Надеюсь, что этим я внесу свой небольшой вклад для блага людей :-).
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