1 パンものがたり Bread Story Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 369K
+2.5 %
Channel Description
Welcome to our channel!
This channel introduces ”Japanese bakeries.”
We are looking forward to your comments, ratings, and channel subscriptions.
Thank you for watching!
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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2 Dairy Australia Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 42K
+0.24 %
Channel Description
Dairy Australia works towards shaping a profitable and sustainable dairy industry by providing services that benefit and advance dairy farm business and the industry.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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3 California Almonds Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 39K
-0.25 %
Channel Description
California Almonds are a delicious snack packed with energy to help you bring it all day, every day. Visit Almonds.com to explore snacking tips, hundreds of delicious recipes, nutrition information and more.
Channel Keywords
Almond Board of California
Content Territory nutrition information
protein packed breakfast
plant based innovation
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4 DairyNZ Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 30K
+0.34 %
New Zealand
Channel Description
As an industry-good organisation, we help New Zealand dairy farmers lead the world in sustainable dairying by investing in research, new solutions and advocacy.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory sustainability in agriculture
greenhouse gas emissions reduction
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5 Undeniably Dairy Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 23K
+0 %
Channel Description
Undeniably Dairy is where you will find stories about the dairy community’s impact from the farm all the way to your table. In Acres + Avenues we discover the similarities between dairy farmers and urban millennials. Other videos answer questions about life on the farm, including how dairy cows are cared for and how much attention is put into the dairy foods that reach your refrigerator. You can learn more at usdairy.com
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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6 Australian Butchers Guild Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 18K
+0.57 %
UAE United Arab Emirates
Channel Description
The Australian Butchers' Guild bridges the gap between farm and shop. To provide educational resources on beef, lamb, veal, & goat, allowing independent butchers to continue the tradition of being a professional, sustainable, and well-educated channel for their customers.
Content Territory australian butchers guild
sustainable meat production
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7 Matprat Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 15K
+1.33 %
Channel Description
Matprat er kommunikasjonskonseptet til Opplysningskontoret for egg og kjøtt, og stolt ambassadør for råvarene fra det norske landbruket.
På vegne av den norske bonden jobber Matprat for å fremme norsk egg og kjøtt. Det gjør vi blant annet gjennom å bygge kunnskap om råvarene, og formidle råd og matinspirasjon til norske forbrukere.
Gjennom vår YouTube-kanal får du nydelige oppskrifter på god mat, nyttig informasjon om norsk egg og kjøtt, og annen morsom underholdning! 😊
Ikke gå glipp av nye videoer, abonner på kanalen her:
Følg oss gjerne i sosiale medier ved hjelp av linkene under ⬇️
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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8 Parmigiano Reggiano USA Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 15K
+0 %
Channel Description
Authentic Parmigiano Reggiano: A culinary masterpiece made in Italy using 100% natural ingredients. Tag us in your recipes! #ParmigianoReggiano
Content Territory
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9 Quality Meat Scotland Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 15K
+0.69 %
United Kingdom
Channel Description
The channel for videos produced by Quality Meat Scotland, the public body responsible for the marketing and assurance of Scotch Beef PGI, Scotch Lamb PGI and Specially Selected Pork
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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9 CARNE ARGENTINA Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 15K
+0.69 %
Channel Description
Bienvenido al canal de la mejor carne del mundo: Carne Argentina.
Aquí vas a encontrar las mejores recetas, para que puedas disfrutar de todos los beneficios que tiene nuestra carne. Recorré nuestro canal y nuestras redes para estar informado de todo lo relacionado a este alimento que tanto amamos.
Suscribite al canal y seguinos en las redes:
Carne Argentina - 100% Novillo
#lamejorcarnedelmundo #carneargentina #argentinebeef #recetasconcarne #YoAmoCarneArgentina
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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11 Green Agriculture Services Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 14K
+0.71 %
Channel Description
We are a group dedicated to the well being of Agriculture and Mango production.
We have all the information you need for more and contact you can call on our CEO's phone number +92339-8880109
Please like, share and subscribe for more information regarding mango plantation, growth and development.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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12 Fruits From Chile Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 12K
+5.22 %
Channel Description
Chile, the one place for everything fresh.
With rich volcanic soul and some of the purest waters in the world, Chile produces a bounty of delicious, premium fruits throughout the year. Apples, blueberries, cherries, citrus, grapes, kiwifruit, pears, stone fruit, and more! As the Southern Hemisphere’s largest fruit exporter, Chile grows the key fruits available in the Northern Hemisphere, but during the opposite season, enabling year-round supply of many of the world’s favorite fruits.
Find out more information in our website: https://fruitsfromchile.com/
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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13 Australian Lamb Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 9.7K
+0.83 %
Channel Description
Whether it's a chop or a cutlet, kofta or kebab or a classic roast, there is a delicious, tender lamb cut to suit anyone for any occasion. Explore a world of flavour and share the lamb.
Content Territory
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14 Parmigiano Reggiano Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 5.7K
+0.18 %
Channel Description
Canale ufficiale del Consorzio del Parmigiano Reggiano
Channel Keywords
Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano
Content Territory No keywords found
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15 Rare Medium Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 5.6K
+0.36 %
Channel Description
The one stop shop for red meat inspiration for the foodservice community - we explore the world of Australian beef, lamb, goat and veal from paddock to plate.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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16 Marlene Apple (Südtirol) Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 4.6K
+0.22 %
Content Territory No keywords found
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17 California Avocados Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.8K
+0.27 %
Channel Description
The Official YouTube Channel for California Avocados.
Content Territory california avocado season
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18 PrincedeBretagne Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.7K
+0.83 %
Channel Description
Prince de Bretagne est la marque des maraîchers bretons, passionnés et engagés au quotidien, créée en 1970. Des légumes 100 % frais, bretons et de saison.
Partez à la découverte d’une marque engagée et responsable, découvrez des maraîchers passionnés, apprenez à cuisiner nos légumes de saison avec de délicieuses recettes… et bien plus encore !
Pour en savoir plus à propos de notre marque et notre actualité, rendez-vous sur :
*Notre site internet : https://princedebretagne.com/
*Notre page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PrincedeBretagne/
*Notre page Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/princedebretagne/
*Notre page Tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@princedebretagne
*Notre page LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/10092868/admin/
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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19 Beef + Lamb NZ Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.6K
+1.69 %
New Zealand
Channel Description
Bringing you inspiration via delicious recipes, tips for cooking and buying beef & lamb and updates on industry news in New Zealand.
Because we all know good things start with Beef + Lamb!
For hundreds of meal ideas visit: www.recipes.co.nz
For more information about us visit: www.beeflambnz.co.nz
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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20 Seafood From Norway Thailand Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.4K
-0.29 %
Channel Description
เครื่องหมาย “อาหารทะเลจากนอร์เวย์” เป็นสัญลักษณ์ของแหล่งที่มาอาหารทะเลจากนอร์เวย์ทั้งหมด
เครื่องหมายแสดงแหล่งที่มาของเราแสดงถึงการผสานรวมของคุณภาพที่ยากจะหาได้จากที่อื่นใดในโลก: ทั้งทะเลเย็นเฉียบใสสะอาด ความอุดมสมบูรณ์ของทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ ประสบการณ์การทำประมงหลายชั่วอายุคน และเทคโนโลยีก้าวหน้าทันสมัย โดยเราเก็บเกี่ยวและทำฟาร์มด้วยวิธีการที่เน้นความยั่งยืน เพื่อให้แน่ใจได้ว่าเราจะสามารถรักษาท้องทะเลและทรัพยากรเอาไว้ได้เพื่อส่งมอบให้กับคนรุ่นต่อๆไป
Norwegian Seafood Council เป็นเจ้าของและผู้ออกใบอนุญาตให้ใช้เครื่องหมายระบุแหล่งที่มาของ “อาหารทะเลจากนอร์เวย์” โดยเราทำงานร่วมกับ อุตสาหกรรมการประมงและการเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ เพื่อช่วยกันพัฒนาตลาดสำหรับอาหารทะเลจากนอร์เวย์
Content Territory No keywords found
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21 Die Kartoffel Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 3.1K
-0.32 %
Channel Description
Herzlich willkommen auf dem Youtube-Kanal der Kartoffel!
Die Kampagne „Die Kartoffel – Entdecke ihre Stärke.“ hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, die Verbraucher in Deutschland über die Vielseitigkeit und den hohen Wert der Kartoffel zu informieren. Hinter der KMG stehen die Gesellschafter Deutscher Kartoffelhandelsverband e. V. (DKHV), Bundesvereinigung Erzeugergemeinschaften Kartoffeln und Landvolk Niedersachsen – Landesbauernverband e. V.
Kartoffel-Marketing GmbH
Schumannstraße 5
10117 Berlin
[email protected]
Tel.: +49-(0)30-754524-67
Fax: +49-(0)30-664068-53
Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Anke Schönfelder
Vereinsregisternummer: 3265
Amgericht Düsseldorf
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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22 Beef + Lamb New Zealand Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.7K
+0.37 %
New Zealand
Channel Description
Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd is the farmer-owned, industry organisation representing New Zealand's sheep and beef farmers. We invest farmer levies in programmes that grow the sheep and beef industry and provide sustainable returns now and for future generations.
By Farmers. For Farmers.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory sheep and beef industry
biodiversity on farmlands
precision livestock farming
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23 Grana Padano DOP Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.7K
+0.75 %
Channel Description
La pagina ufficiale del Grana Padano, il formaggio DOP più consumato nel mondo.
Content Territory No keywords found
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23 Midwest Dairy Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.7K
+0.75 %
Channel Description
Midwest Dairy™ represents 4,000 dairy farm families and works on their behalf to build dairy demand by inspiring consumer confidence in our products and production practices. We are committed to Bringing Dairy to Life! by Giving Consumers an Excellent Dairy Experience and are funded by farmers across a 10-state region, including Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and eastern Oklahoma.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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25 Australian Good Meat Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.4K
+0.83 %
Channel Description
Good Meat is an online platform created by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) on behalf of the red meat and livestock industry. It provides important information about cattle, sheep and goat production in Australia, focusing primarily on animal welfare, protecting the environment and health and nutrition.
Through a transparent approach, Good Meat informs consumers about the great work of Australian red meat producers and the high quality product they produce.
Good Meat also provides a platform for red meat producers to share their story and demonstrate their commitment to best practice and continual improvement.
Ultimately, Good Meat is about showing how Australian red meat is produced sustainably, in high welfare systems and is an important part of a healthy balanced diet.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory red meat sustainability
agriculture australia
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26 Milchland Niedersachsen Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.3K
+0.43 %
Channel Description
Milchland Niedersachsen - der YouTube Kanal der Landesvereinigung der Milchwirtschaft Niedersachsen e.V.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory No keywords found
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27 CA GROWN: California Grown Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 2.2K
+2.78 %
Channel Description
CA GROWN connects people with the farmers and farmworkers that produce over 50% of the fresh produce in the United States! Find recipes, serving ideas, info about what's in season and meet a few of our farmers at: californiagrown.org
Channel Keywords
Content Territory carrots beets pickling canning
food and wine winery tour farmlife microgreens temecula wines olive oil company lavender field california apples martinelli scider keenan farms pistachio britt leg gifts holiday recipe fall bucket list
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28 California Prunes Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.9K
+0.54 %
Channel Description
California Prunes support good gut health, strong bones and a healthy heart. Not only that, they taste—and pair—unlike any other prunes in the world. Visit our website to learn more about the nutrition benefits of California Prunes and why there are more reasons for people to enjoy California Prunes today and every day!
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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29 Aussie Beef. The Greatest. Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.7K
+2.37 %
Channel Description
Aussie Beef. The Greatest Meat on Earth.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory
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29 Alaska Seafood Subscribers Subscribers Change Country 1.7K
+0.58 %
Channel Description
When you choose Alaska's wild, delicious and healthy seafood, you support the generations of fishing communities working hard, sustainably and responsibly to bring a world-class protein to your plate today and for years to come.
Channel Keywords
Content Territory foodie recipe inspiration
wild alaskan seafod nutrients
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