1 | | High Court of Karnataka Official | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
146K | +0.69 %
| India | - | No keywords found |
2 | | IntlCriminalCourt | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
119K | +0.85 %
| USA | - | international criminal court 74K venezuela is it situation - appeals chamber judgment - |
3 | | High Court of Madhya Pradesh | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
97K | +1.67 %
| India | - | No keywords found |
4 | | High Court at Calcutta | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
93K | +1.31 %
| India | - | No keywords found |
5 | | Court of Justice of the European Union | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
91K | -0.44 %
| Luxembourg | - | No keywords found |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
45K | +0.91 %
| India | - | No keywords found |
7 | | Federal Court of Australia | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
42K | +0.72 %
| Australia | - | federal court of australia 18K king s counsel ceremony - employment and industrial law 20 recovering indigenous laws - |
8 | | Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
39K | +0.52 %
| Brazil | - | No keywords found |
9 | | Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
38K | +0.53 %
| Costa Rica | - | No keywords found |
10 | | Tribunal de Justiça de Mato Grosso | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
34K | +1.78 %
| Brazil | - | No keywords found |
11 | | High Court of Chhattisgarh | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
25K | +2.94 %
| India | - | No keywords found |
12 | | United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
23K | +0.87 %
| USA | - | us court of appeals for the ninth circuit 22K appellate jurisdiction 18K united states government 74K |
13 | | Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
20K | +0.51 %
| Brazil | - | No keywords found |
14 | | European Court of Human Rights | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
12K | +0.86 %
| France | - | No keywords found |
15 | | Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
11K | +0.93 %
| Australia | - | federal circuit and family court of australia 8.1K government of australia 2.9K |
16 | | CaliforniaCourts | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
8.3K | +2.08 %
| USA | - | judicial appointments 1.9K supreme court oral argument 15K chief justice patricia guerrero - state of the judiciary address 10 mental health in courts - |
17 | | Superior Court of California County of Orange | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
7.9K | +0.9 %
| USA | - | orange county courts 8.1K california state court 320 superior court of california 22K legal process explained - civil criminal procedure 210 child support modifications - arabic language resources for courts - multilingual court services - |
18 | | Indiana Courts | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
6K | +1.18 %
| USA | - | indiana supreme court 4.4K youth justice oversight committee - commission on improving the status of children - state of the juidiciery - courts as engines of economic development fairness and public safety - juvenile justic reform task force - justices reinvestment advisory council - |
19 | | Coroners Court of New South Wales | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
5.1K | -0.2 %
| Australia | - | florabella natalia remakel - disappearance investigation - fire and explosion inquiries - |
20 | | State Court of Fulton County | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
4.9K | +0.41 %
| USA | - | expedited accusations calendar - |
21 | | Corte de Constitucionalidad de Guatemala | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
4.7K | +0.21 %
| Guatemala | - | No keywords found |
22 | | HMCTSgovuk | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
4.5K | +2.49 %
| United Kingdom | - | home office and courts tribunals service - employment tribunal reform 10 small claims mediation 590 |
23 | | AlaskaCourtSystem | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
3.8K | +1.88 %
| USA | - | custody and parenting plans - filing documents by mail - discovery and disclosure 110 court proceedings from a distance - |
24 | | Iowa Courts | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
3.5K | +1.15 %
| USA | - | counsel to the chief justice - |
25 | | New York State Court Of Appeals | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
3.3K | +1.55 %
| USA | - | new york state court of appeals 9.9K |
26 | | Sveriges Domstolar | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
2.7K | +0.38 %
| Sweden | - | No keywords found |
27 | | Maryland Courts | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
2.6K | +1.54 %
| USA | - | judicial declaration of gender identity - # national adoption day 8.1K disability accommodations 3.6K |
28 | | Sacramento Superior Court | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
2.3K | +0.44 %
| USA | - | sacramento superior court 22K domestic violence prevention 1.9K spanish language access - |
29 | | UtahStateCourts | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
1.9K | +0.53 %
| USA | - | court appointed special advocates support - divorced parents during covid 10 english language access - naviagting court justice for all - |
30 | | New Mexico Courts | |
Subscribers | Subscribers Change | Country | Description | Content Territory |
1.3K | +2.29 %
| USA | - | foreclosure settlement program - mortgage foreclosure prevention 10 behavioral health team 40 attorney supreme courts efile - new judge orientation program - breast cancer awareness month - suicide prevention and recovery - judicial compensation meeting - |